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Sunday, February 16, 2014

10 scary thing a physician or hide you (period 2).

Some common drugs that can cause diabetes type 2 diabetes arises when the human body does not produce enough insulin or cannot use the insulin intake efficiency that it creates. Due to that condition, the blood of glucose, gradually undermining the mental wiring and lifeblood. About 2. 3 million Americans with type 2 diabetes and this number is increasing each year. Artwork: healthday. Com many not know that some of the popular drugs-don't like the pharmaceutical anti-depressants-can cause type 2 diabetes.

In 2011, the English physician statements about 46. 7 million prescriptions for the treatment of depression. When researchers at the University of Southampton in England conducted a survey, they discovered the names of the two kind of pharmaceutical treatment of depression most commonly on the prescription.

If taking two medications, risk of human diabetes will double.

The team issued the survey results in 2013, but the medical world has know clue can between the treatment of depression and diabetes from 2008. Thus, although aware of the relationship, the more the physician still prescribe treatment for patients with depression.

A further concern is the common pharmaceutical treatment of bipolar disorder in older deposits may increase risk of diabetes type 2 to three times. In most cases, children are no longer any selected other than medication. 10 things scary doctors or hide you (period 1) pain relievers aspirin can cause bleeding in some vaccines are not effective in getting cancer is the fact that doctors rarely told patients.

Treatment of heartburn can cause malicious evil side effect one of the biggest problems of medicine Western medicine is often triggers the scary side effects. We often think that the Mission of a physician is recommended to people about the side effects of the medication, but sometimes that doesn't happen, the Saudi ra.

Ch about science has proven that the Nexium and Prilosec--two medications against the heartburn-can cause deformities to the fetus, the bones and makes the body unable to load viamin B12.

The body loses the ability to absorb vitamin B12 can lead to permanent mental damage.

Nexium is a medication that may cause the body loses its ability to absorb vitamin B12-a condition leading to permanent mental injuries. Photo: stepbystep. Com despite that reality, Nexium is still the drugs that doctors prescribe the most in America.

In many cases they also choose Nexium to treat evidence Barrett esophagus (tissue slices inside the esophagus is replaced by layers of tissue an eyewash as the small intestine mucosa rứa), though it has no resistance to this disease.

Many pediatricians even though many mines for Nexium millet research has proven Nexium can cause permanent neurological disorder in the intestinal tract of a grape.

The risk of cancer increases after each scan most of us know the gamma radiation and x-rays can cause cancer. Of course, we are in contact with x-rays every time they want to verify or discover broken bones. Sievert is the unit of energy acquisition of ionizing radiation have damaging effects. Every day humans of exposure 2. 4 natural radioactive millisievert per year.

The radioactive body exposure in each breast x-ray was 0. 7 millisievert. Artwork: Listverse Song point differences are the body absorb 0. 7 millisievert radiology in just minutes and 2. 4 radiation exposure millisievert throughout the year. As such, even the "x-rays" can also cause cancer.

In the UK, medical x-ray done about 700 cases of cancer each year. Even the situation can also be a Yes. Some researchers assert that the medical x-ray cause the majority of cervical cancer, or cause the cancer becomes worse.

The most scary thing is: If women x-rays during pregnancy, the risk of cancer of the fetus will increase. In essence, the radiation that the MRI was also emits just a form of x-rays only. Solar According To Listverse.

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