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Monday, February 10, 2014

What to do to better treat hypertension

Treating high blood pressure need to comply with certain principles and specific methods must be true . Here is what you need to do when conducting treatment .
To better treat hypertension you need to do the following 3 things :
- Take blood pressure was 140/90mmHg lower side .
- Make good the treatments do not take drugs and medicines
- Treatment of accompanying diseases other .
Treatment to lower blood pressure is 140/90mmHg you have to give myself self- responsibility is the dangerous complications of hypertension , such as the ability to be reduced by 40 % stroke , 50 % likelihood of failure chronic heart , down 30 % likelihood of cerebral stroke recurrence , and many other complications ... so to gain these benefits you need to do the following: high blood pressure
- Make good Lhong drug therapy and drug treatment .
- Treatment of the disease if accompanied by other .
In non-drug therapy you need to perform the following 10 points :
1 . If you are obese , should apply weight loss diet : less sugar , less fat , more protein and fiber vegetables , fruits .
2 . Eat crackers , eat no more than 1 teaspoon of salt per day . This includes the amount of salt is salt in food and seasoning sauce .
3 . Eat protein derived from fish and plants rather than the type of pork, beef , chicken ...
4 . Do not eat too sweet even without diabetes ...
5 . Limit your intake of animal fat and coconut oil . It is best to use olive oil , sunflower oil , sesame oil , soybean oil .
6 . Eat more vegetables , fruits to provide minerals , vitamins and fiber .
7 . Stop or limit alcohol consumption .
8 . Quit smoking .
9 . Keep your routine in moderation and stability . Avoid stress , emotion , anxiety .
10 . Regular physical exercise : Regular exercise at least 45 minutes a day , 3 times a week but not so strenuous .
In matters not drug treatment mentioned above, smoking is the risk factor if possible eliminate , smoking cessation, bring the following benefits to health :
Instant Benefits
20 minutes of stopping smoking your blood pressure , pulse and temperature were normal .
After 24 hours of heart attack begins to decrease .
After 48 hours of eating more appetite .
 After 72 hours bronchial dilating more , easier breathing , increased the amount of air breathed more .
After 1-9 months of reduced cough , shortness of breath and lack of status breath .
Long-term benefits
After a few months stop htuoc leaves the risk of coronary heart disease and apparent false start after 3-5 years of not like the smoke.
Sau10 in stopping smoking reduces the risk of lung cancer by 30-50 % , after 15 years the risk of lung cancer just like people not to smoke .
Stop smoking reduces the risk of other cancers , such as cancer, larynx , esophagus , pancreas , bladder .
Stop smoking reduces ear pathologies such as stroke , a blood vessel in the leg , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , pneumonia and improve the condition emphysema , bronchitis .
In patients with diabetes, stopping smoking reduces cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications .
In addition to smoking , the drinking has many issues that need attention :
- Drinking too much alcohol , drunk very often prone to stroke , cerebral vascular accident .
- There is a proportional between hypertension and alcohol .
- Persons who are regularly drinking more alcohol when stopped abruptly stopping alcohol can increase blood pressure shot up and cause accidents . So if you are addicted to alcohol when drinking alcohol should reduce gradually over 3 months to a level that is acceptable .
- The maximum amount of alcohol that you can drink without affecting heart is no more than 2 cans of beer or 60ml spirits hoac1 / 4 puffed rice wine a day .
Drug treatment :
Objective: Take blood pressure of less than 140/90mmHg .
In the drug treatment you should note three points :
- To comply with the guidance of a doctor, checkup appointment on time . You should not buy thuocha the blood pressure to drink or take medication as directed by your acquaintances , neighbors or friends Lhong to the doctor.
- According to the current concept of blood pressure medications should be used early when indicated and should be incorporated into various types of blood pressure medications with a lower dose of a drug is used in high doses .
- Six groups of antihypertensive drugs commonly used today is called science .
1 . Group diuretics .
2 . Group calcium channel blockers
3 . Group receptor beta inhibitors
4 . Group receptor alpha inhibitors
5 . ACE inhibitors
6 . Receptor inhibitors angiotensinll
In the drug group above 6 per group for many generations , each generation has many different derivatives , each derivative has many different names so maikhac drug market now has several hundred names antihypertensives .
When the blood pressure drug choices for patients based on physician will 6 following factors :
1 . Patients had used drugs earlier and tolerance or side effects of this drug patients .
2 . The economic viability of patients respond to long-term use of antihypertensive drugs and tests together with other track .
3 . The cardiovascular risk that patients are.
4 . The presence of organ damage caused by hypertension or heart disease , kidney disease and diabetes .
5 . The presence of other conditions such as blood lipid disorders , asthma , joint disease , primary prostate tumors ... the disease can be advantageous or detrimental when using a blood pressure lowering drugs .
6 . Interaction between hypertension medications and other drugs that patients are taking .
You need to avoid three mistakes that patients suffering from hypertension or when treatment is :
1 . Self -medication to lower blood pressure to drink . There have been many cases brought to the hospital by emergency order antihypertensive medication .
2 . Only when cure high blood pressure medication and stop the blood to normal .
3 . Long-term oral medication without re- examination 1toa to assess disease status .
During treatment when blood pressure monitor at home you need to keep in mind :
1 . Must have blood pressure monitoring window , in this window you record blood pressure readings every 1 - 3lan , abnormalities in the day , day oral medication . You give the treating physician a checkup every window .
2 . How to use electronic blood pressure monitor at home : Most people buy after putting electronic sphygmomanometer are in crisis in the first time because your blood pressure is usually measured several times during the day that each measurement device usually death for some patients to different measurement for your blood pressure is not stable . From that leads to insecurity or psychological crisis . So when home blood pressure monitor your blood pressure should be measured 1-3 times a day , every measure should measure blood pressure 2 times in a row spaced a few minutes and averaged 2lan measure . To remember is to think about 15 minutes before measuring . Before measuring blood pressure for 30 minutes not drink alcohol , coffee or smoke . Do not measure your blood pressure after eating after waking up .
Such as compliance with treatment guidelines and monitored by a doctor your blood pressure is taken less than 140/90mmHg . At this point you will find yourself having a normal life comfortable not worrying about the complications of hypertension . Last comes here is all, thank you for listening and your friends .

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